Sunday, February 13, 2011

Felicia Day and Jack

Remember my portrait of Felicia Day as Penny in Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog? So does Felicia Day! She posted it on her Flickr account, with the comment, "Wow, I wish my hair had this much volume in real life. So pretty, pastel-y!" All celebrities should be this cool!

I also recently finished another piece - Jack and the Beanstalk.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Not dead yet!

Think of these past few months as more of a... hibernation. Blogs do that, right?

In truth, I stopped posting rather abruptly because I stopped being a bum and started working full time as a 2D digital artist at Vast Studios, a game company here in Toronto. As proof, I present two environments I painted for our most recent release, called Lost Chronicles: Salem.

More to follow, once I'm legally allowed to post it!